Motomichi Anno Sensei has studied under O Sensei at young age and has been in the meantime practicing and teaching Aikido for over 60 years.
He has been teaching next to Michio Hikitsuchi Sensei at the Kumano Juku Dojo in Shingu, then he has been teaching many seminars in Europe and America – he came several times in Centre Kumano in Switzerland as well as in Santa Cruz invited by Linda Holiday Sensei - and his teaching has become so popular. He teaches from the very basic Aikido movements to incredible powerful and beautiful and so harmonious techniques. In his private time he practices the art of calligraphy and has drawn a lot of wonderful calligraphies. Many of them have been given to Aikidokas from all over the world. Those spiritual messages and thoughts about Budo, love and harmony have helped people and gave them wonderful inputs for their lives. And so many Dojos have been guided by his so deep knowledge of Budo, and all the spiritual aspects of the Aikido Philosophy. After Hikitsuchi Sensei passed away in 2004 he became Dojo-Cho of the Kumano Juku Dojo and he made incredible efforts for all the Aikidokas there as well as supported the whole Aikido society throughout the world.
Many foreigners went and keep on going there to study Aikido at the roots every year. And all of them are guided by Anno Sensei’s so caring, precise and beautiful teaching. Anno Sensei has been and is still spreading his experience, his enthusiasm and his happiness for practicing Budo to all his students all around the world.
April 2015 Hine Kiichi Sensei And Anno Motomichi Sensei founds the Funada Kishu Aikikai Dojo in Funada whose Dojo-Cho is Anno Sensei. The Funada Dojo is affirmed to Hombu Dojo in Tokyo while six others Dojos of the Mie province are affiliated to Funada Dojo. Both Hine Sensei and Anno Sensei are teaching there.
Thanks to his positive and constructive spirit, Anno Sensei helped and helps thousands of aikidoists all over the world to see and live the fascinating beauty of this martial art, the beauty of our world and the gratitude of being alive. May he here be warmly and sincerely thanked.
Jürg Steiner